kookoo is on an adventure and needs your help to reach home!

1. jungkook is trying to go home! How should he reach there?

he's too far from home to walk, jungkook is tired before he reaches there.

yes, this is smart! jungkook can now bike his way home!

2. oh no there are too many paths! Which way should he go?

jungkook is sad, please bring him home :(

jungkook ends up in the forest and is now lost.

this path is familiar! jungkook is now sure he can reach home!

jungkook reaches the sea.
he is now further from home :(

3. there is a dog!! should jungkook pet it?

jungkook is very happy! he giggles when he pets and plays with the dog

both jungkook and the dog are sad. jungkook wants to play before going home :((

4. after playing, jungkook is hungry. he wants to eat something.

his favourite ice-cream shop is closed!
jungkook loses more time when he looks for alternatives.

the smell of bread entices jungkook!
jungkook does not want to leave the shop now.

very good!
jungkook is now satisfied and eats happily :3

5. jungkook asks you to do something to entertain him! what would you do?

jungkook is too focused on the game that jungkook forgets his main goal! the food is now cold.

jungkook's beautiful voice is too distracting that you both miss the path home!

good thinking!! by racing him, jungkook can now get home faster!!
jungkook is impressed :D

6. jungkook is finally at the door! as a reward, jungkook lets you smooch and pet his cheekies!!


jungkook is now at home! Thank you for playing!